Turn sustainability into profit: Generate and sell BNG units

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You will learn:

How to set up your habitat bank to generate BNG (biodiversity net gain) units.

What to know about the process for selling BNG units to the market.

Why meeting regulations is critical to achieving your revenue potential and environmental goals.

Where to find fresh insights into fulfilling monitoring obligations that will ensure your long-term success.

Who is it for

Developers, to learn to create BNG units on legacy sites to use or sell.

Landowners, to learn to create BNG units for offsetting or for sale.

Environmental consultants, to see how to expand their service offerings.

Sustainability professionals, to consider innovative BNG solutions.


Henry Parkinson

Project Lead
Langley Abbey Environment Project

Steve icon

Stephen Marland

Host and Director of Innovation,

Catch up on previous events

Sustainability Superheroes Ep 11
Sustainability Superheroes Ep 11: Navigating the Legal Terrain of Biodiversity Net Gain: A Deep Dive by BDB Pitmans
Sustainability Superheroes Ep 10
Sustainability superheroes Ep 10: Turn sustainability into profit: Generate and sell BNG units by Langley Abbey Environment Project
Sustainability Superheroes Ep 9 (3)
Sustainability Superheroes Ep 9: Barratt Developments is set to meet BNG mandates on February 12. Here’s how they prepared.
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