“It’s hard to deliver condition-based vegetation management if you can’t consider the full condition of your system all at once. AiDASH IVMS not only gives us that view, but also allows us to put scenarios together to envision where our vegetation management choices are taking us: We are now approaching it with a more informed perspective. IVMS shows us the potential reliability impact across our utility. And that’s important to us, because reliability drives a positive customer experience, which is one of our top priorities.”

“Having situational awareness into over 70,000 miles of T&D is something I never thought possible just a few years ago! AiDASH allows us to be more surgical and improve the way we manage our contracted work by building better books of work.”

“Our initial work with IVMS 2.0 has allowed us to optimize our VM workflows. We will soon be able to analyze, plan, and execute our work plans from a single platform, which now includes the new field application. We’ve also been very impressed with the level of service and support AiDASH provides with the product.”

“In year one we eclipsed all (SAIFI) targets for all operating companies after we implemented IVMS. In year two we performed better than the previous year and still eclipsed all targets across the board. That was for us, very positive results.”

“The quality and accuracy of the AiDASH habitat mapping is the best I have seen to date from remote sensing and for the first time it is comparable with traditional ground survey mapping for Phase 1 surveys, This is a paradigm shift for the future of mapping and monitoring habitats.”

“A time-based cycle approach prune plan is best practice today, but a data-driven, optimized approach will soon be the industry’s best management practice.”

“AiDASH takes a satellite image of our entire system all at once. They focus on growth rate, criticality, and hotspots that may be on our system. Our new personnel can take a look at this output and know exactly where we need to focus our resources in the right way.”

“Everyone is facing similar cost challenges. With AiDASH, we can now make more data-driven decisions, helping us focus our resources and prioritize the problem areas first and foremost. Using this condition-based approach, we are better managing our expenses and improving reliability for customers.”

“I’m able to use our budget and strategically remove vegetation where we have the greatest risk of a wildfire and track cycle trims. With satellites and AI, we can remove a hazard tree before it causes a power outage. All it takes is one dry, windy day and one tree to create a natural disaster.”

“Job No. 1 for Randolph EMC is to provide reliable, affordable service while keeping our costs low. AiDASH has helped us do this for over a year by optimizing our ROW trim cycle and getting the best bang for our buck. Doing so allows us to improve service reliability for even more people.”

“The ability to image our entire system and to know everything all at once — that is incredibly powerful.”

“We now have the ability to make sure we have right crews in the right place at the right time.”

“We wanted to evaluate a number of options for vegetation management and engaged with the AiDASH team to assist with this work. AiDASH IVMS is a powerful and intuitive tool that gives visibility into difficult-to-reach areas along the networks to enable both operational and strategic decision making. . We are quite happy with the results from our engagement with AiDASH and the flexible way the team engaged with us”

“The AiDASH team was especially supportive and reliable, and that attentiveness paid off. The solution delivered accuracy — much higher than we’ve experienced previously.”
Over 185 customers of every size
use AiDASH software

Featured customer stories
How AiDASH Helped a Fortune 500 Electric Utility Achieve Its Lowest Vegetation CI Levels Ever
Achieved lowest vegetation CI
levels in company history
Increase system SAIFI by 30% despite flat budgets and rising costs
Over 90% alignment with satellite predictions vs. field validations